
Sunday, February 26, 2012

The War Within

You like this
You like that
You get them all
And you feel satisfied

You don't think
When you love things
You don't judge
When they feel tempting

Its a war..
Its a war within
A constant war
Your fight between
Yourself and mind

You simply surrender
to your evil mind
And don't consider
The self inside

Satisfaction, Is not peace
Happiness, Is not bliss
Attraction, Is not love
Temptations are selfish deeds

Its a war..
Its a war within
A continues war
Your fight between
Yourself and mind

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Can you relate spirituality and its principles with your work?

Can you relate spirituality and its principles with your work? May be i can. or may be i have just gone crazy. First let me tell you what i believe
1. your "self" and your body - The body cannot live without a soul and a soul can't function without a body.
2. Pair of Opposites - I believe we all are constantly moving through pair of opposites. We make decisions on them. We choose one of them at a time and move forward. like yes or no, good or bad, etc. Each and every situation can be defined through pair of opposites is what i believe. Example you are drinking water and a thirsty donkey came near you. What would u do? You have to take a decision here. Should you give water to the donkey or you drink it all by your self?. Your soul instructs you to give water to the donkey but your mind says drink it all by yourself. See pair of opposites. There are so many examples like this when u face a situation and need to decide.
3. Inheritance - I believe each and every thing that you see around you has god ("god" which i personally believe as an energy with no size or shape or face or figure. It is omnipresent, omnipotent and abstruse) in it. Take any damn thing. a pencil, your own body,  TV, etc. Everything is inherited from it. Everything is derived from it.
Now  i tell you about my work. I am a computer programmer. I write code. I develop software's and websites. I know how it all works. Here is how i relate things from spirituality with my work.
1. Your "self" and your body - I consider  my body as a computer and my "self" as the operating system running it. A computer is just a piece of hardware useless without a software and vice versa.
2. Pair of Opposites - Every thing in the computer programming narrows down to 1 and 0. Its just binary code at the lowest level which computers can understand. The Program has to make decisions while its execution. There are sometimes rules written in the program to make the most logical decision. Depending on the situation the program choose the most logical option.
3. Inheritance - This is about Object Oriented Programming (Oops). Every computer engineer knows what is oops and its principles. Inheritance is what i am most interested in and at some level abstraction as well. When u design a piece of software, what you normally do is make one abstract class and implement it. Or you may make a class (child) which inherits from the parent class. Its the same with us. There is this one abstract class (which we all call god) and we all are inherited from it. We have all the methods and properties that this parent class has but we implement it in our own way.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Soon I will become the God

Unwinding my thoughts,
Neutralizing my vision,
Watching the world, trapped in illusion.

Believing the truth,
Following the white light,
I always have the choice to accept what is right.

Actions and reactions,
Love and hate,
Unless you suffer it all, there is no escape.

These pair of opposites are always here,
The good, the bad, the peace and the fear.

Living this life because he wants me to,
Entertaining him for he has asked me to.

This show ends with the new beginning,
Then i see myself sitting next to him.

Soon I will become the God.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My year 2012 resolutions

1.      I will stop reading newspaper in toilet.
2.      I will stop eating mouth freshener after smoking. Trust me it never helps. I always get busted.
3.      I will stop spitting in public places. I will also stop staring at people who in turn are staring at me for my deeds.
4.      I will stop peeing while swimming.
5.      I will be honest when i will fart.
6.      I will stop checking out chicks from the side car mirrors.
7.      I will stop peeping into neighbours smartphone or laptop in train and bus.
8.      I will stop noticing people who dye their hairs.
9.      I will stop cleaning my nose with my finger. If i will do, then i will avoid shaking hands with people.
10.  I will not check Gmail and Facebook every 5 minutes.
11.  I will not 'Like', 'Comment' or 'Post' stupid statuses on Facebook.
12.  I will not respond to any stupid apps, games requests on Facebook.
13.  I will close my twitter account. Sorry to all those who are still thinking to follow me on twitter.
14.  I will not ask friends to click on the ads on my websites.
15.  I will not remove my USB drive unless it is “safe to remove”.
16.  I will not right click and refresh the desktop for no reason.
17.  I will not forward texts and emails to bring me luck.
18.  I will not pick up my bosses call when i am with my wife.
19.  I will not pick up my wife’s call when i am with my boss.
20.  I will not pick up my bosses call or wife’s call when i am in toilet.
21.  I will not forget my marriage anniversary.
22.  I will not argue with my wife. I am tired of losing.
23.  I will not purposely forget my credit card at home before shopping with wife.
24.  I will avoid going to mobile and iPad stalls in a mall with wife.  I will go to the home decor section.
25.  I will not take my family to watch geeky movies.
26.  I will eat dinner with family without TV or Laptop.
27.  I will stop watching south-indian dubbed Hindi movies on star gold channel.
28.  I will not tell watchman to bring potatoes, onions or milk.
29.  I will wash my jeans after wearing it 3 times.
30.  I will stop writing stupid blogs.